fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Smells like I'm Broke

Little C asked for her own perfume this evening. I sprayed some generic "cotton candy" scent on her at the store. I just need to keep her away from Coley when shopping, as Coley is a name brand woman...and won't buy "High Karate" or "Old Spice Replica" like me. It's all "Liquid Gold in a Bottle With the Nose Bleed Inducing Price Tag....also known as 'LGBWNBIPT'"

I just had to share...

I posted "Dyke Radar Blues" on my MySpace music page. I am just amazed that I can transfer those songs from tape to CD-maybe get them all on a single format. Revisiting that part of my life has been therapeutic, and I have recently connected with an Architecture Professor who wants to play and perform for fun. A fairly young guy who had asked me out before someone at the Grill clued him in that I was, you know, Lesbanese. He's a very nice guy...and he came over for a rousing rendition of "If I Had a Million Dollars" by Barenaked Ladies. Coley rapidly left the room...but we thought we sounded great!

Felt good to play, anyway. Rico's, here we come!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

They can horses, don't they?

Sometimes kids say things that make you almost blow french fries out of your nose (if you happen to be eating those things at the time...)

Little C and I were having dinner together, and our conversation turned to horses. She wanted to know how we originally got Twizzler (the Twiz), our recently departed horse. When I told her that our friend Spice Grl had bought him at an auction, Little C remembered that Spice Grl often saved horses. I was trying to explain how "canners" also bid on horses because in some countries people like to eat them, and so they try to buy them cheap to make cans of horse meat, like roast beef in cans from cows, etc. etc.

Little C responded with, "Well that's good, except it could hurt the horse."

I had to agree. OMG.

Little C has taken up her keen interest again, and has checked out a pile of books from the library about horses. She is learning all kinds of things, and constantly turning our conversations back to getting another horse. I have decided that we will start with lessons here in Pullman again, and if her interest persists-we will investigate further. Maybe 4H. She is old enough now that finding similarly interested peers might catch fire. I can't think of a healthier activity to get involved in. If we get into 4H, then we might make connections for boarding. I will also have to see if Spam can promote interests beyond Barbie and we will see.

I had a second interview today for the Family Services Manager position. It seemed to go extremely well, and it would be a PERFECT position for me. Now I just have to hope that my previous job does not sink me on a reference. It was a bit tense when I left, as they didn't take kindly to my giving notice....

Above be some more pictures from recent times...

Friday, January 19, 2007

slip sliding away...

We went sledding behind the high school here. It was fun! I acquired a nifty sledding injury that is much more impressive than my old "Scrabble injury" caused by attempting a triple word score utilizing the letters "q" and "z"...the "snow" was actually hidden underneath a healthy topping of razor sharp ice-crusties. The "trails" were packed down to a glossy sheen, and I am fairly certain we broke the sound barrier on a few runs. All in fun. (OMG)

Spam did the invite, and it is certainly nice to be getting along again. Little C is the biggest beneficiary of our truce, and I am sure it will save me an ulcer. Coley will be able to avoid going kung-fu ninja too....which is good.

I have discovered how much fun "myspace" can be, and I am fairly certain the next discovery will involve those really cool personalized pages. I may need a 12 step program...

I have interviewed for a Family Services Manager position, and the interview went really well. I am being called in for a second interview, which is always a good sign. Keep your eyes crossed for me....the Chemical Dependency position is on hold until they fill a sudden departure in their administrative staff, but I have been told I will be called in for that the moment they have the spot filled. My thanks to those of you who are lying and giving me great references....

Friday, January 12, 2007

why? I just don't know..

Coley often shakes her head and says, "Why? Oh, why?" Then she gazes at the ring on her finger with a mixture of fear and dread.

I do not know why. Fortunately my father is secure in his masculinity. I am also secure in my masculinity. Seriousness is highly overrated. I know.

My father told me so.

Little C could just care less...and I have to respect that.

x-mas on and on

Here is another round from our x-mas excursions. Awww (again)...

Monday, January 08, 2007

s'more random pics

Let's see...our kitty Chase in the sink trying to be helpful...Little C and I Christmas morning...Little C and her friend Bentley making pizza and being cute by the fire during a sleepover...and Little C, Coley and I last Christmas in Missouri...


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Arweenie's striking beauty...

I cannot capture with words...

So here's some photos for you share with the world...

I did not include the one where you inserted the tofu hotdog up your nose.

Christmas Glo...

We went to Coley's Aunt's house (Glo) for a kind of second Christmas celebration. Little C was a hit!

I let her take a lot of pics on her own, so I have 352 images of a plastic light up snowman decoration. I don't think I will post those. At least not all of them.

I have to search high and low to find any pics of Coley that she will let me put up. I figure she is so obscured in this one photo by the putty (who is obsessed with Coley) that I might get away with it...

I've only just begun...

Big Balls Vol. 2

I just saw Kill Bill and Kill Bill Volume 2. I could not stop laughing! What great fun, tongue in cheek, Kung Fu Uma, Kick ass women, hilarious retro-hip soundtrack and clever/sarcastic dialogue, totally original and yet re-hashed at the same time, awesome movies! Momgator, you would not enjoy the constant sword battles, or I think be able to take the leap to get that Quentin Tarantino over-the-top, wink at the audience while making them cringe kind of style...

So for you...

Night at the Museum! That one is "Wizard of Oz" kinda fun! Your smiler has to broken not to appreciate Robin William's Teddy Roosevelt having a crush on Sakagawea, T-Rex bones that play fetch, Mickey Rooney as a comically insulting guard, Cavemen with butane lighters, slapping the monkey (you'll see), Owen Wilson as a miniature cowboy quick-draw with masculinity issues, Old West Goldminers mixing it up with the Romans, and wild animals of the African Savannah kickin' it with wild animals of North America (check the moose in the background sometimes)...terrific special effects...and Ben Stiller does a great job as the night guard with the little secret...


Kill Bill Vol.2 inspired my Big Balls Vol.2. Mostly just 'cause I have more pics. Watch out for the 'five point open-palm exploding heart' technique. That one will give you a strike almost every time.

Oh my! My photo cup runneth over!

Big Balls

We went bowling on Christmas Eve with some of Conner's friends, and my next door neighbor. It was fun! The lanes have automatic gutter guards that you can program to pop up only when the kids are bowling...which was quite helpful...

More photos to come...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Run, don't walk (or take public transportation), and see the film "An Inconvenient Truth" it, borrow it, download it, I don't care how...

Start there. I will debate it 'til hell freezes over (which may be soon if we lose Greenland) right here on this very site. See the film! Do it!