fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Thursday, October 26, 2006

From the Big House to the Mattresses

So today we have to drive my little truck (with a queen size mattress bungy corded in back) to the Valley So Low and get the mattress from Coley's old room at Mr. C's house....

because SheFelon is coming home....

and this may be our only opportunity to get it before something sticky or illegal gets on it....



Mr. C is on his way to get her tonight from the Big House, the Pokey, the Slammer, the Clink, the Lock-Up....

and the drama begins again...poor Coley...poor Domino wo wo...poor little Sadie girl...and yes, poor me, 'cause I will get to try to comfort my spousal person when her little bro inadvertantly and carelessly hurts her again and again and again and again until SheFelon is inevitably returned to the cage from whence she came...

'cause she apparently can't wait to make the BIG CHANGES in her life, the natural consequence of HARD LESSONS EARNED...and she will start by popping some illegal substances into her mouth, lighting up that ever present cig, planting her ass on a bar stool, and immediately asking my brother in law for a bankroll to hit the shopping center..

live and learn NOT, I guess...

I hope and pray that C Man does not end up jailed, or worse...cause aside from him being a special kind of man, it would destroy my partner...

I wish men could operate their brains and penises at the same time. There must not be a sufficient blood supply... wish us luck as we try not to allow our queen size mattress to go aerodynamic on the grade, during our descent into the Valley So Low...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Reinventing the wheel

It has been an interesting several weeks, I must say...

Went to a Coug Football Game. The Cougs made Duck soup. It was cool. Lots of key jingling, crimson and gray, yelling stuff like "Another Cougar First Down!", and other such crowd activities. It was like going to a Rocky Horror Picture Show, but without the transvestites. Lotsa fun!

Our horsie died of a horsie heart attack, and it made my daughter pretty sad. Poor Twiz...he had a good life full of kids and barrel racing, that ended peacefully in his pasture with his girlfriend (Tandy)...his head in the lap of the woman who has been caring for him for a few years...hope he is chasing apples in the sky. This is Little C's first loss like this, but she is handling it pretty well. We haven't been able to go out to see him for a long time (either bad weather or no money for the gas...), so the distance I am sure helped. How strange that we had finalized plans to go up last Sunday, and he had died the Friday before. Probably all for the best-it would have been harder on Little C if she had just seen him-or worse yet, if it had happened right in front of her.

Work is good, but stressful. Apparently our new director is trying to reinvent the wheel, and fix things that aren't broken, because she has been taken in by a motivational speaker. $100,000 later, and staff meeting after staff meeting designed to have us re-write our jobs, re-make our goals, re-evaluate our programs, and hold hands singing Kumbayah (or however you spell that) we are basically doing the same things we have been doing before. Still understaffed, and under-funded, like most social service agencies. Even more stressful for the rest of the agency, there is a major reorganization taking place moving people into new job groups. Our Area Agency on Aging has escaped the brunt of that due to Federal regulations that prohibit the breaking up of our cohesive group...otherwise we would be caught up in the seemingly pointless exercise in frustration. Apparently anyone in the agency who questions or complains is blacklisted. Sounds like some religions I know...

They had a training recently that was introduced by a staff person who talked to all of us like children...had us make a list of things that could help us have the gathering...such as raising hands and not talking over our neighbors...OMG. I mean, OMG!!! It was hard not to crack up, or raise my hand to ask if I could go to the bathroom....

I am working with some really neat clients, as well as some really strange ones. I went to one client's house who had about 30 dogs. That was quite...interesting...I came back to the office and poured hand sanitizer directly over my head.

Oops! Better get off to work! More latah...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Assumption Makes an Ass Out of You and Umption

I went to get Little C Friday. Spam immediately wanted to know how much money I would be sending her. One week into our agreement, and she has dollar signs dancing in her head. Like cartoon eyeballs.

Yes, it is late. I just visualized cartoon eyeballs with dollar signs...

Maybe I DID just fall out of the pickle tree. I can't imagine WHY I would assume she'd keep an agreement when I couldn't get the financial part of it in writing...she does HATE me after all. She told me so.

Actually she said "I fucking hate you." Then her head spun around and she spit out pea soup.

Steam probably came out of her cartoon ears.

Little C is asleep on the couch, wrapped up like a burrito. She picked apples today with an apple picking rugby stick thingy (a technical description)...watched her new movies, made apple fritters, learned that cashews are a fruit, spent some time with her Uncle C Man, and got the COOLEST little fan thingy from Gramma and Papa that lights up (and mama will never give back to her cause it is so much fun), we colored a really cool puppy picture, making a puppy with green ears and brown spots...we also watched E.T. together. Things aren't all bad, eh?

These blogs are GREAT cheap therapy.