There was a REASON I had not shared this address with Spam, as it has been MY place to vent my feelings. I am sure my other ex knew this...
So, I went back and read my entries. Gosh...everything is true from the perspective I have had. Yep, I have been sarcastic to my support group-as this is healing for ME on MY blog. And the friends who actually KNOW who I am writing about, and my history there, are MY support people.
So, I guess I have the choice to not blog anymore. But, I am not going to do that. If anyone doesn't like what I write, I suppose they can leave a comment (and they probably will). The other option is to just avoid this blog entirely if you find it troubling or upsetting in any way. That is the suggestion that was made to me from the ex on the mountain, and it was good advice. To the ex on the mountain-GOOD ONE!
As far as previous entries, I calls 'em as I sees 'em. We are all entitled to our views, and these ARE mine. I believe every word to be true...If things get ugly, I can make this an invite only blog...or just start a whole new one elsewhere....this is a way I keep up with friends and family that I intend to continue, and as much as it is public (and anonymous), it is also private. But then, everyone concerned knew that I would bet...and the violation of privacy was a calculated, angry move.
Oh well. Blog on. More later on the happenings of late...but perhaps at a new address...