fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
no pansies allowed

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Friday, December 28, 2007

wuv...twue wuv...

"I love you."

"No, I love YOU."

"No really, the love I feel for you can't be measured it is so big."

"And that is exactly how I feel about are just fabulous."

"Oh, but not as fabulous as you."

"I LOVE your hair."

"And I is so soft and fluffy..."

Sick I tell you...just sick...

But wait, there's more!

and more and more and more and more

For momgator...

Gotta post the pics for mom...gotta post the pics for mom...gotta post the pics for mom....

Hey are some pics...ENJOY! It was a fun Christmas...can ya tell?

Christmas Coloring

This is what I get for playing with my photo program. Little C can have her own coloring book!

Befur and afterfur

Our handsome kitties, befur and afterfur...aren't they fabulous? The top three are Chase as a kitten and then a big kitty. The bottom two are Charlie as a kitten, and then a "big little guy" as we call him.
We are destined to be crazy old cat ladies who wear their underwear outside of their clothes.
I just know it.

peeplies and stuff I love

Yep, here are some peeplies and stuff I love...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

SNF Twelve Days of Christmas

On the tweflth day of Christmas, my great job gave to me...
Twelve plumbers coming,
eleven council gripings,
ten rooms a leaking,
nine ladies falling,
eight meds a missing,
seven call lights blinking,
six bingo playing,
five alarm rings......
four falling turds,
three Depends,
two rubber gloves,
and a resident who really can't see....


It is a long drive to work, and I commute with our Director of Nursing. I guess if you get the Director of Nursing in an enclosed space with the Director of Social Services, this is what happens...
She wants to know if my bowels are regular.
I want to talk about feelings.


Little C and two of her's pretty cute that her friend Woey and her losted the same teefies at the same time...

It has been so long since I have been posting regularly on the blog (I love that word...I think of some kind of jelly flavor) that I have pictures from last spring. Guess I had better catch up some, given the fact that Christmas will spawn an entire new batch of pics...

The top pic is from a music show at Little C's school

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Alaska summer friends

My friends DammitJanet and Maceme went camping last summer, and sent these shots. I thought in the middle of the snow, ice, sleet, hail, frost, mud, gloom, despair, and general unpleasantness of winter, I would put 'em up. Hope you don't mind DammitJanet...but they are neat.
Yes, I said neat.
I miss Alaska just a bit. And my Alaska friends as well...
LOVE the Fireweed shots!!!

Merry Cash miss

"Wreck the malls this Christmas Season
Falalalala la la la la
Blow your cash for no good reason
Falalalala la la la la
Push your charge card to the limit
Falala lalala la la la la
Your checkbook now has nothing in it
falalalala la la la la"
I went to the Post Office in Colfax to mail a box. There was no one there but me and two clerks.
It might almost be worth driving from Seattle to avoid the lines.
Falalalala la la la la

SNF Christmas

As usual, it is certainly bittersweet at the old Skilled Nursing Facility.

We have the decorations, the music, the is colorful and warm, as well as being forty seven gallons of crazy.

We hung stockings (with care) up at the nurse's station with every staff member's name. Our residents like to sit up at the nursing station to watch the goings on, and carefully count the floor tiles. One of our residents with dementia kept looking at the stockings yesterday...she would just sit there and squint, turning her head side to side in curiousity. Finally she took one of the stockings down, and promptly put it on her foot.

We have several residents who are quite aggressive lately, and a higher than usual number of people who experience auditory and visual hallucinations as part of their symptoms...and so apparently we are killing kittens, attempting to poison our folks, taking residents into the basement to hose them off, serving puppies and kittens as our main course, and having airplanes land in our parking lot. We attempt to offer comfort while dodging the feet and fists of our more volatile residents. One of our residents likes to raid the nursing cart for health shakes, but she is a diabetic so we have to take them from her.

"Give that back to me, you heffer. You need a good ass whuppin', you son of a sea cook. (swing) You are lucky I can't stand up or I would kick your ass, but good."

Another resident likes to ram other wheelchairs with her own if anyone is too slow or in her way. Another guy likes to grab the aid's breasts as they bend over to assist him. Still another seems to enjoy "self stimulation" in the middle of the hallway, and needs to be reminded that not everyone wants to see that. We have a guy that wheels around giggling and mumbling to himself, wearing a giant cowboy hat. We have another guy who whistles contantly, and roams around with wrap around sunglasses like Bono would wear.

Sometimes I forget to look at things around me with the same perspective I had when I first started working there, because the odd has somehow become almost normal. When we have a care-conference for a new person, and the family comes in wide-eyed and concerned that they pass people having discussions with teddy bears and decorative plants...I remember how reality goes a bit sideways there...

Little C is with me Friday through Christmas. I am looking forward to that. We have planned a light tour around the city, a visit to Railroad Park's interactive light display and trail, decorating stockings, hot chocolate, watching Prancer and Prancer Returns, decorating the will be nice to just be with her at home. It has been a will also be nice to have some time off...