fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Friday, January 11, 2008


So, I have to take a dish to work today for potluck in order to do the Friday Jean day, since we have folks from corporate at the facility. Apparently we have been doing the causual Friday thing against corporate orders, and in order to wear jeans while our visitors are here, we had to have our Activity Director come up with some kind of "event" today is "Blue Jean Potluck" day. In order to be comfortable today, we all are required to bring in a potluck dish...
A new National Holiday?
Anyway, I had no idea what to bring. Our Director of Nursing suggested crockpot meatballs with BBQ sauce and grape jelly.
After vomiting repeatedly, and asking if she was serious (she was..apparently it is a real recipe), I went to the store and purchased what was needed (meatballs, BBQ sauce, grape jelly...eeeewwww)...
So, I will be wearing jeans today. And I will come bearing funky meatballs.
Coley still has not re-formatted, so 'scuse the archive photos. Little C with the Santa is from when she was with me at work during this past Christmas. I walked around with my guitar, visiting residents and playing carols. Little C suggested that Santa should jam as well.
"Santa Jam" is a good name for a rock band.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

kick me arse

Given the fact that this computer will one day soon be formatted, I am pulling these thingies out of the files. I do indeed have explicit instructions not to post pics of Coley without prior editorial approval, and I will probably be pummeled when I arrive home from work this evening.

I think she is beautiful all of the time.

She thinks she is beautiful just about never, and will only accept pictures that were taken on the rare occasion that the planets were aligned just right, the wind was blowing from the correct direction at the appropriate speed, and the molecular density of the ozone was such that it rendered the camera Coley friendly for a brief window in time...

So, I will probably have to delete these if she ever sees them, and she won't let me take her picture again.

I am not sure why I even do this. 'Cept I love her, and when I see he rpicture it makes me smile.

delusions of cougardom

Which one is Charlie?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Assorted Little C's

Still putting up some pics before Coley reformats the computer. The bottom two are from a few Christmases ago. The middle one is the most recent of Little C at Soccer practice after she took the scissors to her own bangs (it must be in the kid handbook that we all do that), and the top was this last spring right after Easter. Gee, I love that kid!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Damnit Janet...You're know...

Coley is going to re-format her computer. Unfortunately all of my easily accessible photos will become stuck on a disk, and I will have to make a whole new photo file. So...I needed to post these GREAT shots of DamnitJanet and Maceme taken at a Halloween party in Alaska. Just because....the costumes are outstanding...and they both look sick, twisted, smokin' HOT!

the blurry two of us

I have really got to get a few good pics of Little C and me. Seems a lot of our Christmas shots came out blurry, as if we were bigfoot or something.
Happy New Year! I am going to lose weight, quit smoking, work out, and catch Arloin another delicious bass.