You know how sometimes you can be having a seemingly normal conversation, and then you realize that the thing you just said or heard, taken out of context, might sound REALLY crazy?
So, Coley was watching some penguin movie narrated by Morgan Freeman...a documentary thing...and she was getting REALLY involved in the drama of these penguins migrating long distances for parenting, friendship, food, low gas prices...whatever...
She was becoming attached to these little penguins, involved in their saga, getting to know some of them by name, talking to the television screen ("Waddle little penguin! Waddle for your life!") She was wondering aloud how the documentary filmmakers could react with cool detachment if a penguin was in obvious distress ("Seems to me like you would have to stop and help a penguin out...")
She suddenly turns to me and states, "Can you imagine if you ran over a penguin on the road? How awful you'd feel?"
If I ran over a penguin in the road in Eastern Washington, I would be all kinds of concerned. It is true. For a whole VARIETY of reasons....
It reminds me of when I was staying up on this ranch with an ex. She had a variety of fowl...chickens, ducks, geese...and one morning we heard exceptionally loud squawking. We look out of the window, and two of the feathered critters were going at it with amorous without skipping a beat, as she sipped her morning coffee, she states,
"Just so you know, it isn't normal for a chicken to fuck a duck."
Good to know.