This picture has nothing to do with this blog entry-but the "F*#k You, Penguin " guy has inspired me to put up nauseatingly cute graphics...
Little C is here, and I am so thrilled I can hardly stand it. I have missed her so much. I have noticed a thing, though-part of the consequence of mediating an agreement where I am a peripheral presence.
Spam does not have a job. Spam does not have a relationship. Little C is the body around which Spam orbits...and when she enters a world where the adults have other distractions, attentions, foci...she seems a bit out of sorts. We have been having a blast, but there is not a time out to be had...and the short-term memory loss is more pronounced than the nursing home where I work.
I can spend a morning laying out the clothes, making her breakfast, running the bath, teaching her to play Solitaire, going to the store for a requested watercolor kit, buying her requested menu items, painting with her, taking her to the beach to feed squirrels and aggressive seagulls, buying her ridiculously priced Pethop Pets, going to rent the newest kid release (which makes me want to poke out my eyes with a sharp stick), foregoing any favorite or intellectually stimulating tv program to watch the Jonas Brothers give vanilla ice-cream a run for the money, turning the heat on and off and on and off to accomodate widely fluctuating body temps influenced by episodic galloping horse impersonations, spenidng an hour making a lasagna and veggie-only to have it shuffled around the plate and then followed by a request for a hotdog...
Parenting in general is like this, I do remember. But, it is hard to instill realistic expectations and a sense of empathy for those around her if her primary environment caters to every whim...and ultimately revolves totally around her.
So, this summer will be a reality check...good or bad. Little C does seem to respond to reminders to think beyond herself...put her trash in the can, clothes in the hamper, and to consider what the other is experiencing...part of socialization...
And she says "thank you" a million times, and loves to say "I love you" just because...she is sweet, and smart, and polite...and Spam has a lot to do with that...
But at about twelve or thirteen years old, I think the natural separation that Little C will initiate will be very painful for both of them...they still share a bed...and Little C is still not confident at toileting hygiene because it has been done for her...and many, many whims have been indulged without consequence or responsibility, I can tell....
So-wish me luck this summer as I re-learn to balance parenting and the rest of my life-while trying to come to terms with a parenting style (and it's consequences) that I never agreed with-