My job at times cracks me up...
I went to go see a client in a small farming community. He is a bachelor-an old guy on oxygen. We went through all of the intake paperwork, and were kind of just chatting. I had been dropped off by my co-worker while she went to work with a few other clients, since we only had a single vehicle for the day.
During our chat, he mentioned that he had played music at the senior center recently. Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings, Moses's Greatest Hits...you know...OLD school...
I mentioned that I played guitar...
His eyes lit up, and he said "come here!" He moved pretty fast at that point (for an old guy on oxygen)...
He handed me an acoustic guitar, pulled out his electric guitar, sat down, and just stared at me. Being careful not to step on his oxygen cord, or trip over the portable tanks, or light a match and explode his house, I sat and strummed a few chords. In no time, we were jamming away. I would make a few comments now and then, and he would just look at me with a kind of dreamy smile...saying not a word in response. It was a bit unnerving, actually...
About a half hour later we hear a knock at the door (amazing we heard it, what with our lively tribute to Iron Maiden)....(no, not really)...and there is my co-worker (I call her Deborah Winger since her voice sounds like her)...
Deborah looks stunned, and says to me, "Uh, Jo? Did you even DO an assessment?"
I looked down, handed the old guy his guitar back, kinda kicked weakly at the floor, and said "I have to go home now..."
I could tell he kinda liked me a bit. As we were driving away he called out from his porch, "Come back soon!"
It was sweet. I jammed with an 80 year old, and it was fun! I like my job!
ReplyDeleteI wanna play.............