Coley and her bro told a story the other night about how whenever they came home as kids and found their mom in curlers, it was a cue to leave quickly. Apparently mom wound them a little bit too tight, because they always made her in a bad, bad, mood. Coley said her mom was a "nut bitch in curlers." Maybe it's the beer talking, but that is a good name for a rock band.
I have a mediation appointment with Spam on the 29th. I'm sure that if I just admit that I am the spawn of satan, and agree to a frontal lobotomy, things will be fine. Wish me luck.
Coley has her training in Utah (my, what an open minded and diverse state...). If she comes back Mormon, I am definately going to have a complex. If that occurs, no one had EVER ring my doorbell again. I pity the poor UPS man.
Little C is asleep in her bed right next to me. As it should be. She had a hard day of being six.
I went to the home of the client who was described as a "pack rat." That is a bit mild. She can't get to her bathroom since things are piled so high. She can't stand up straight. She pulled out her urine pads to dry in the sun and then re-use. The smell of urine on her and around the house was overwhelming. We had to sit outside in order to do the assessment. She is just a sweetie, but in a bad way. We will do what we can to help, but as of now-this is her decision to make. She lives up on a mountain without running water...still has her faculties about her-but obviously a bit...different...makes me thankful...
Wow, bummer. I need to get the new Nut Bitch with Curlers CD. They rock.
Hey...what a GREAT idea! I never thought about reusing urine pads. That would save trips to my outhouse in subzero weather!