So, my spousal person spent who knows how long looking up websites about deformed kitties bacause our youngest kitty has some loose skin hanging from his belly. Not a whole lot...I mean...he doesn't dust our furniture when he walks on it. BUT, it is a bit flappy down there. Kinda cute in an endearing way....
So Coley wanted to know more...and found two headed cats, and pictures of cats with three ears, and bionic hearing, and unusually large teeth, and the ability to channel Barry Manilow...and such. You know...SPECIAL kitties. I was a bit concerned that she might be overly fixated on all things kitty in our home...but I think it is just effective parenting really. Be informed. We just have to face the fact that our little guy is unique. We sometimes refer to him as "Special K kitty"...a little cross eyed, perhaps a bit slow at times, and with enough loose skin to cleverly conceal our change in. Hmmm
I finally heard from my buddy MC Mix Master Rowdy Fouty. She and Coley's best buddy Binks are dating now. Our introduction apparently blossomed into something truly magical. (Insert gagging here...as MC Fouty would probably suggest...) I miss her, and we are going to make an appointment to get together, drink too many mind altering beverages, and then I will vomit in a bar as is my traditional MO. Yep, just the way I roll, baby. (Although sometimes I roll down the street, and then wonder why I have leaves and crap on me in the morning...) Good times. Good times.
"Hey MC Fouty! Did I climb a tree last night?"

This is Pullman, home to WSU. WAZZU-one of the top party schools in the nation. Bartenders are generally happy if you don't vomit directly ON them, apparently. I taught undergrads. Many of them showed up in pajamas to my classes. That was always fun. Some even slept through my inspired and brilliant lectures. That's ok. When that happened I would speak very quietly so as not to wake them. Because I am an idiot.
Coley did not believe me about our police blotter as reported in the student newspaper. A few choice entries this last week. Some guy called 911 because his cable went out. Fortunately the police responded and beat the crap out of him. OK...I made that up. Someone else called because there was a turtle in the road. I mean, a frickin turtle. "Help! Turtle! It is going to get me. I must alert others!"
Rant on, Rant on,
I notice you slyly left out the part about the cowboy....and the tacos....