When faced with this severe "economic downturn", animals are quick to respond, in many of the same ways people do...
Ignore the problem, prepare for the worst, blame someone else, turn to God, throw themselves into diversional activities, or surrender to alternative realities....
Charlie has been having episodes of stress-induced eating. I am missing sunglasses, an ipod, a silver necklace and a whole package of "jungle pals" bandaids.
Yep, we have been doing ALL of those things, and also getting off on fantasies of conspiracy theories gone wild. Watch out for what happens October 7th...MUCH worse then 9-11, we are warned. My ice cream & chocolate budget is gone out the window, along with most of my clothes, since I can't fit into them any longer. At least I will have fat reservers for the long fast that might be to come. Oh BUMMER... a slower death by starvation...now that sounds not good. Maybe I can just go into winter hybranation???? Yeah, there's a good plan. Lol Lets hope we all make it through this....