You know, taking a stand on anything runs the risk of sounding arrogant. We all do it, because we all have opinions. It has been stated to me that I should be more tolerant...in many areas I think I am. I like country music, she doesn't, blah blah blah...
But, there are some viewpoints that are not deserving of tolerance (IN MY OPINION) and I won't.
Racism, to clarify, is not the same as preferring the company of people from similar backgrounds or cultures. That is a normal human tendency based on common interests and familiarity. Racism is assuming that someone is lesser or automatically a "certain way" due to membership in a racial category...for example, darker skin equaling stupidity, laziness, violence, dirty, prone to theft...(stereotypes will enter too)..
We may not understand other cultures, or even find certain aspects distasteful...I don't want to eat cats, and some in India would think eating a cow is horrid. I may find the differences in hygiene habits hard to bear in countries where toilet paper doesn't exist, or people clear their noses onto the sidewalk...cultural differences are where tolerance is needed...different is not always wrong...but this is not the racism I am speaking of..
I have a hard time with oppression in any culture. I think Amnesty International and a "world court" exist for a reason, and that crimes against humanity don't get to be excused because of cultural differences. I don't think that the mere existence of a counter opinions deserves tolerance. I don't think racism deserves tolerance-as it is that sort of viewpoint that feeds a climate where horrendous things happen.
I wish, I wish. You know, I actually LIKE diversity. I don't WANT to be only around white people, or people who dress, eat, speak, dance, think, worship, or talk just like me. Some of the best experiences in my life came when I was out of my comfort zone...
I may look at religion as a social phenomenon, and think it is very interesting from that viewpoint-but I do it with respect (or try to). I do not slam the door on the Jehovah's Witnesses, or take pleasure in trying to scare them. I say "No, thank you." and tell them to stay warm. For me, the problem arises when "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" does not translate into "FREEDOM FROM RELIGION" and begins to infringe upon my ability to live my way...and speaking of crimes against humanity...religions of all kinds have been behind many, many justifications...so for all the potential beauty, peace, understanding, compassion, and good works possible, the atrocities committed in the name of whatever diety eclipse...
So there be some clarification. And now I hope to return to my regularly scheduled straws up the nose type of programming...
...and I take back the part about country music. I won't tolerate that either. Forget it.
Well, white men can't dance! And blacks have practically taken over basketball & football, and Asiana have practically taken over ice skating. Us Irish redheads have been shunned because we drink too much and carry around shamrocks for good luck, and stuff... (we like potatoes also, and have some COOL celtic dancers & singers). So I think THERE ARE physical differences besides skin color (or hair color) and recognizing those doesn't necessarily make me "racist" does it???? Geez', I hope not. I have had Mexican and black & Irish friends, and like them all, and have also NOT liked some whites I have known. It's the person inside that counts to me...not skin color. I agree that hygiene is also a deciding factor. You make some good points and are too smart for me. You win!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv' ya' ANYWAY!