fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Monday, February 15, 2010

No Rest For The Weary

My ex partner and biological parent to my daughter saw that I purchased a guitar...and yes, I did indeed find it at a Pawn Shop and spent what little I had on try a last ditch effort at salvation...peace...mental health...

I guess I was supposed to send that money to her although she makes several times what I did (tax free)WHEN I WAS WORKING and I am currently in such agony that I can hardly function. This guitar might literally save me, as I really wish for death at times right now...and have nothing to turn to but what calms and centers me. I HAD to have a guitar to even have a chance wellness... 

and she was sure to tell me how worthless I am, and that others have made it through much worse than this. Yes, that last part is true...and if I hear from one more person the other sentiment, well...I may have to surrender to that....

I fucking surrender.

But she DID generously gave me the option of relinquishing my parental rights to my daughter, or going after me with state child support-which means when I finally get ready to resume my career, I will be so in arrears that I may as well never even work. They will attach my wages to Kingdom Hall Come. She has to pay the payment on her new RV somehow.

I have not had any real parental rights, and they have been gradually eroded ever since she started school anyway. Piece by agonizing piece. I gave them away without a real fight, as lawyering up seemed beyond my capability...

I cannot parent this little girl like this. I guess Pam can now exclude me from her life entirely, as I told her to send me the fucking papers.

I am not going to make it through this. I am just not.


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    What drama, said while rolling my eyes!

  2. Anonymous10:00 PM

    What I meant to say was what drama on the part of Coley. You on the other hand have a lot to be upset about. Coley is not helping the situation at all with this, after everything she's done this past while. You know, like lying, cheating, and pretending you don't have feelings. She has a lot of nerve to spew this stuff.

  3. wildginger149:01 PM

    Joanna, don't do it. You will regret it for the rest of your life. Find supportive people to help you get through this. I will do anything you ask if it will help you keep your daughter. Don't dump her. Think of the insantity Conner has to go through with Pam. One day soon she will wake up to it, and REBEL. She needs you. Forget potential debt. Conner is priceless!
