fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cheese/cracker separation...

People have funny reactions when they hear I am from Alaska.

No, I couldn't see Sarah Palin from my backyard.

Her reign began after I had already moved from there.

Alaska politics is great fun, to be certain. I was there in the Tony Knowles days, and am proud to say that my dog peed on his foot in our kitchen.

With Ted Stevens, and Sarah Palin...and Jerry Prevo and his giant, vocal church...Alaska politics was always good for a chuckle or two...(or a bad dream at worst when I was there...)

Cabin fever is a real phenomenon up there. Makes people a little tightly wound, I think.

I have empathy, though. My cheese slid off my cracker for a while. And I was in a tiny, coastal town in Oregon.

Maybe Alaska is viral. Once there for more than ten years you are infected for life-and it follows you around. Like herpes.

Either that, or Brookings had something in the water.

I am betting a presidential candidate will eventually emerge from Brookings, wandering from the redwoods, armed with rugged good looks, a bag of mushrooms, and a whole bunch of terrific ideas based on sound bytes and conventional "wisdom".

I can't wait. I'm gonna pop popcorn and watch when it happens.

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