I'm a dufus. I would IMMEDIATELY go touch the edges of the sign.
I am impervious to warnings.
And cool lessons.
And cool lessons.
I know things I shouldn't know...and have seen things I shouldn't have seen.
No, I didn't just return from the deep south.
I would say that "ignorance is bliss"...and it certainly would have hurt less to aerate my tongue with a hole punch...
cryptic, I know...
but seriously, one has to sometimes just look back and chuckle at their own folly. When a person is determined to see a thing they want to see, NO AMOUNT of evidence or warnings or cautionary road signs will prevent someone from driving off of a sharp corner...or believing a thing they believe (or want) to be true.....from stereotypes, to revisionist history, to emotional wants, to 'hope springs eternal'...
"Jo. Whatever you do, do NOT touch that stove."
As Paul Simon observed, "A man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest..."
My friend Ryanimal recently put up a quotation that really made me reach for understanding.
"Forgiveness is: letting go of the HOPE that the PAST could have been anything different."
Yes...that is so true...everyone has done the best with what they could do at the time..I suppose..or if not...even if someone pretty much dropped the ball in a big way...it is PAST and will not be changing into something it was not. "No one can find a rewind button boy, so cradle your head in your hands..."
What is hard is dealing with discovering that the PAST as you understood it wasn't even what it seemed...and dealing with the PRESENT..suspecting it could be different...has potential to be different..but won't be different...because some of the choices and patterns from the past are going to be repeated...have been repeated...
So, then the present will become the past, and then subject to the letting go of "hope" that it could have been anything different.
Bacon flavored bacon wrapped in bacon bacon....
Holy hell. I am dizzy. Moreso than usual.
Anyhoo...moving on...
I will reserve HOPE for the future. It is kind of scary, and exciting, and new, and...
that just sounded a little like the "Love Boat" theme.
that just sounded a little like the "Love Boat" theme.
Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs. Blocking up the scenery...and such...
Damn sharp edges.
Damn sharp edges.
Forgive. Love. Understand. Accept for what it is. Remember who I am, what kind of person I choose to be...
Wear welding gloves at all times.
Wear welding gloves at all times.
Dang, is true we just gotta touch it despite the warning clear as a bell (although haven't actually seen too many clear bells, most are made of metal after all). At least if we learned from the cuts, then not a total loss. Looking back you can say shoulda woulda coulda .... but the truth is, we all did the best we could. As long as you accept that intentions were good, know that you are loved, forgive others as well as yourself for hurts felt by both .... then all is not a total loss.