fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Thursday, October 02, 2014

If God barfs Fruit Loops, MY mom can photograph it...

Look at what MY mom can do! She has the MAD skills with scenic and wildlife photography, Thanks to her love of nature and the lens, I grew up in and around some of the most wild and BEAUTIFUL places in the United States.

I am quite proud of her....

I have often longed to have the artisitic eye that she does.

I think her work is just amazing...she really has so much to do with my ability to see the world and all of it's beauty. These are just a few pics that she put up in celebration of Autumn, which is her favorite season.

I can see why it is! Who could ask for a better and more enthusiastic subject to photograph. It's nature, all dressed up! Or as I remember hearing that one of our friends' children described it, "It's like God threw up Fruit Loops."

Beautiful, right?

My mother's work has always made me wish I had the talent that she does. I'm going to keep trying in the hopes the photography gene might have been passed to me. Here's one of my most recent:

It's just our toaster, but I have to start somewhere.

I think maybe the photography thing isn't genetic. Dammit.


  1. hy, tank you very muc for the kind words on my potos.... glad you liked tem
