Hi all. I'm not in a ditch or anything. My bubble was a bit deflated about posting for a while after I had another unpleasant comment left...something about being too tired to post because I now have the joys of knowing what "real work" was. Such a completely arrogant and condescending remark...completely unprovoked...left me feeling pretty icky about the whole blog thing for a bit. For the record, I must say that "real work" involves much more than clocking in and out or lifting heavy things, and teaching fully amounted to "real work"...I have worked many different kinds of jobs, and am grateful for all of the experiences I have had...I have played music, worked fast food, bagged groceries, loaded and unloaded airplanes, been a security guard, been a student, worked a liquor store, been a social worker, and taught college (to name but a few of the things I've done)...what I am doing now is no more or less "work" than anything else...exhausting and depressing at times, completely rewarding at others...something I think most of us are familiar with. That anyone would find it necessary to spread unpleasantness speaks way more about them than me...just kind of got sick of it. The big eye roll, I suppose.
Overall, life is too short to entertain folks who insist of gathering hard feeling around them.
So I took a break from the blog.
But, I have accumulated some pics. Thought I would share a few. Little C is taking riding lessons, and it is a lot of fun. I am actually learning something as well! The lady who teaches just likes kids, and has a wonderful set-up...she is very patient and teaches things in a way that is crystal clear for the kids...lots of creative language and hands on stuff...not to mention the smiles. Little C is gaining confidence. My next step is to get her involved in 4H and associating with peers who will reinforce the interest. Then we can go to some of the shows and events...I will purchase a horse from the instructor if and when the time comes for that, and we will board closer to home. This is if Little C wants to pursue trail rides or shows on a regular basis-otherwise the visits to "Crazy Tomato Ranch" will suffice. Good clean fun, lots of smiles...
Mom and Dad came to visit, and that was terrific. I am eagerly awaiting the pictures. I let mom do the photography, as it is her official job during all family gatherings. They even went to one of Little C's riding lessons, so there will be some great shots I am sure. We had a fun visit-went to see a movie, shared some meals and good conversation. Coley joined us for some visits too, and it was overall pretty terrific seeing them. Little C was thrilled, of course-got to show Gramma and Grampa how much she has grown. Her favorite phrase of late (after the "actually..." period) is to say "apparently" before sentences. Apparently this, and apparently that. "Apparently the horse like carrots..."
I'm still working. (REAL work)..still in love, still planning and dreaming together. Still struggling along with the bills and the ills and such is life etc etc etc...but trying to make sure to notice and appreciate the good in the everyday of it. LOTS to be thankful for, and easy to forget sometimes under the weight and grind of daily obligation and routine.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Joanna Joanna Danna,
ReplyDeleteGood to see you blogging again! I'm flabbergasted that anyone (1) reads a blog and (2) lets comments on a blog, with no finer purpose in mind than heckling. (If I were cattier I am, I might note that an anonymous someone might need more stimulating or exhausting "real work" to take up his/her time and energy. If I were cattier...)
The horse and kidlet pictures are lovely. "Apparently, Little C is adorable."
Chin up, and I'll be looking at the mountains for you.
dr. shelf
Good to hear from you JoJO!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmen DR. SHELF
Love you!!!!!!!!!
The pictures are just TOO CUTE for words. So is Little C. That person who anonymously left that sarcastic, mean comment is just SICK & WRONG to spread hate and meanness in this troubled world. What a coward not to even identify themselves!!!!! Life is indeed too short to go around spreading hate & bad feelings... where is the love & understanding & tolerance going in people? It's so sad and troubling... so much better to try and bring glee and smiles & compliments & encouragement to the world. Jo, you are great and don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise! I love you BUNCHES!
ReplyDeleteHi Jo, Good to see your still alive. I think I wrote you and said I tried to call again. Not sure... Duh. I hope you don't mind, but I save all your pic... since we are busy and don't get to see each other... ever... :-( I will try and call again soon. Love You, Oogy
ReplyDeleteThat ‘mean person’ is… as u put it...just mean and I know who she is...not our fault she is so unhappy with her own life she has to leave anonymous comments on Jo’s Blog. It is obvious that she is a self loathing individual which just shows in order for her to have any type of happiness she has to put everyone one else around her down...luckily Jo and I have family and friends that can rise above these types of comments and see us for who we are.... a happy couple who are just trying to survive this long bumpy road of life…
ReplyDeleteSo with that said...thank you ALL for all the love and support you send...we both appreciate it immensely!!
hi jo...this is angie. Whoever posted the "real work" comment is a pond sucker!! I have so missed your blogs. You know, writing could be a very "real work" career. Sorting through ideas and info, researching, traveling, PR...I have heard it described as similar to giving birth with similar joys after the finished product is complete. I can mow and garden and sling shit (actually I often do) with the best of the blue collar laborers but when ready to put pen to paper (or fingers to keys) the real work begins. Of course you have to have a brain in your head to appreciate the fruition of such "real work". love ya