fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Saturday, April 21, 2007

I be lucky...

I have a lot of love and support around me...and really couldn't ask for too much more. The rest is just up to me. As the Indigo Girls wrote "..the sweetest part is acting after making a decision..." I have a few loose ends and lifestyle changes to get on...
Nicole and I think we are going to move up to Alaska next summer. Domestic partnership just became legal in Washington State (our rainbow 'equivalent' of straight marriage), and we can only hope that Alaska will be on this gadar screen in our lifetime as well...those who oppose this kind of equality will look like total idiots in twenty years or so-much like those who opposed racial Civil Rights look like something on the bottom of someone's shoe...
Nicole liked Alaska, and thinks we could make a decent living up there-and I do have a support system in lifelong friendships...perhaps a few professional connections as well...
Lewis and Clark State College was closed Wednesday due to "credible security threats"...Lewiston High School was closed as well...terribly sad and scary. Coley and I watched "Bowling for Columbine" again. Interesting thesis. If there are guns in other countries at about the same frequency as here, and they have the same movies, and video games, and rates of poverty, and racial diversity...then what is the unique thing about America where we had over 11,000 gun related deaths in 1995-but other similar countries numbered in the HUNDREDS? If that....and the disparity continues...what is it? It seems to be a culture of fear? Fear of everything-things in our food, consumer product recalls, the weather, hot tub drains, wild animals, falling and not getting up, wrinkles, identity theft, blah blah blah...and especially fear of each other and difference? I don't know if that is it. It seemed to be Michael Moore's suggestion. Our media has created this cultural element-not to say that things like identity theft aren't real...but we are fixated apparently, and encouraged to be. People in Canada-even those who have been burgled-aren't terribly concerned about locking their doors for fear of the raper coming in. They just don't fear each other like we do. Of course, you don't have the Canadian whack job killing people like we seem to repeatedly have. Then again, these aren't events that occur very often-but looking at the American media, you would think every school had kids with is like focusing on the plane crashes. Quite vivid, and they do happen. The likelihood of it happening to any one particular flight is almost not worth mentioning....still....
I am babbling. Babble ON!
I will not fear my toothbrush or my blender.
Thanks so much to you guys for responding to my feeling down and such with encouraging and uplifting comments. Mean people suck. That is my highly informed opinion. I wish I could take all of the wonderful people in my life and just have them with me at all times. Me, me, is all about me.
Nurse Ratchet, why oh why don't you work in the nursing home I do? HUH?


  1. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Love you Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I promise I won't shoot you

  2. Anonymous1:57 PM

    gosh I hate my pics....pls dont post my pics........if you have to.... try and use something when I was about 6 months old........b4 I became old, scary, and fugly.
