fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Friday, February 25, 2011

the art of distance...

Deflecting feelings, avoidang connection, staying distant...

...can be an art

But it robs only the person in the cage

Relationships-family, friends, or lovers, are like computers...

at least in the garbage in, garbage out capacity

fed nothing, they produce nothing...

and so I strive for close. and I am there. all by myself. Which is okay.

"gotta tend the earth if you want a rose..."-Indigo Girls

a blossom waiting to happen

Three Favorite Poems

Perfect in my eyes and heart...all three...really reached different ways. The photography is hers too.

I am a fan.

I am getting to know her...I hope...

I want...

...her autograph...



My Retinas!

I'm a dufus. I would IMMEDIATELY go touch the edges of the sign.

I am impervious to warnings.

 And cool lessons.

I know things I shouldn't know...and have seen things I shouldn't have seen.

No, I didn't just return from the deep south.


I would say that "ignorance is bliss"...and it certainly would have hurt less to aerate my tongue with a hole punch...

cryptic, I know...

but seriously, one has to sometimes just look back and chuckle at their own folly. When a person is determined to see a thing they want to see, NO AMOUNT of evidence or warnings or cautionary road signs will prevent someone from driving off of a sharp corner...or believing a thing they believe (or want) to be true.....from stereotypes, to revisionist history, to emotional wants, to 'hope springs eternal'...

"Jo. Whatever you do, do NOT touch that stove."


As Paul Simon observed, "A man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest..."

My friend Ryanimal recently put up a quotation that really made me reach for understanding.

"Forgiveness is: letting go of the HOPE that the PAST could have been anything different."

Yes...that is so true...everyone has done the best with what they could do at the time..I suppose..or if not...even if someone pretty much dropped the ball in a big is PAST and will not be changing into something it was not. "No one can find a rewind button boy, so cradle your head in your hands..."

What is hard is dealing with discovering that the PAST as you understood it wasn't even what it seemed...and dealing with the PRESENT..suspecting it could be different...has potential to be different..but won't be different...because some of the choices and patterns from the past are going to be repeated...have been repeated...

So, then the present will become the past, and then subject to the letting go of "hope" that it could have been anything different.

Bacon flavored bacon wrapped in bacon bacon....
Holy hell. I am dizzy. Moreso than usual.

Anyhoo...moving on...

I will reserve HOPE for the future. It is kind of scary, and exciting, and new, and...

that just sounded a little like the "Love Boat" theme.

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs. Blocking up the scenery...and such...

Damn sharp edges.

Forgive. Love. Understand. Accept for what it is. Remember who I am, what kind of person I choose to be...

Wear welding gloves at all times.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Which of you is the man?" and other useful stereotypes

So, first of all, this symbol is just totally inaccurate. Aside from the fact that everyone knows that horizontal stripes make a person look heavier than they are...

Two dresses. Seriously? (Coley said we can't say 'really?' anymore because it has been so overused now that hearing it makes her want to drive her car into a palm tree)...

But I digress...

Two dresses? Seriously?

A more accurate symbol would have probably included one figure in a softball uniform, and the other in a flannel shirt and hiking boots.

Not that our very diverse community doesn't include "L-Word style" lipstick and dress wearing lesbians. Because it does. Believe me. I know.

I know.


....But by choosing a symbol of two figures in dresses, how the heck can we be expected to perpetuate the totally misinformed and heterosexist viewpoint that one in a lesbian partnership must be "the man..."?

Huh? Answer me that!

So, logo people (good name for a rock band)... need to step it up if we are going to be able to cling to simplistic, archaic stereotypes that attempt to define us in heterosexual terms.

 Come on! Get with it! Slackers!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why did the silhouette family cross the road?

There are several ways to accomplish safe road crossings with your young ones...

You can do like this mama moose in Anchorage does...supervise and cross along with your offspring, carefully observing the traffic in the immediate vicinity.


You can do like this odd silhouette family apparently does. Grab your child by the wrist and drag them across with such velocity that their pony tail extends straight out behind them.

The second way may not be as safe, but it is certainly more entertaining.

Maybe the silhouette family is rushing because there is an all you can eat shrimp special at Red Lobster.

A Home Again...

We have been so fortunate to have people who have opened their homes to us...

I will just speak for myself.

I have been really blessed. Generosity and tolerance and friendship..even though I was in a mess I had created for myself.

Even those friends who 'took me to task' as they helped were awesome.

"Yes. You can sleep on the couch. Now, shut up. And stop being stupid before I slap you."


I am finally on the verge of getting my own place again. It will be so nice not to worry if I am irritating anyone. Well...irritating anyone in my own home, at least. It's a given I will continue irritating people in other settings.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Broke Shark Motherf#&*%#

I don't know how I have missed, but I went there and was laughing so is a good thing I was by myself...or they would have taken me away.

This was under their "self help books that aren't very helpful" section.



"Broke Shark Motherf#*$^#" is a joke Coley and I had after we were discussing the making of "Jaws"...and how their mechanical shark named Bruce wouldn't work during filming...and so Steven Spielberg ended up making the shark something you don't see directly in the beginning (which turned out to be part of the genius creepy factor)...and we were laughing so hard at what the actors might have been saying as they tried to shoot scenes with a broken shark.

Spielberg: "...and...ACTION..."
(shark approaches, catches on fire, and sinks)
Actor One: "Oh,,that's just great. Every damn time I'm submerged in the ocean with ropes attached to me,  the shark blows up and sinks..."
Spielberg: "...and.....uh...CUT....I'm so sorry..."
Actor One: (mumbling to self) "Broke shark motherf#*%$#"

I am avoiding this self-help book, I think. Although, knowing when to give up can be a virtue. As long as you try something else, and stuff.

Forward by Kanye West.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Getting Crazy With the Cheese Whiz

Burneth down thy trailer park.
"The sweestest part is acting after making a decision"-Indigo Girls

Choosing to no longer do self destructive things feels like a weight lifted. Strange how I (and so many others) voluntarily suffer, when the simplest solution is the last to be tried. It is the nature of addiction. It is insanity in motion.

I found some quotes I liked. So I'm putting a few up. No specific themes other than drink and drugs, or the stuff that spins chaos around them...some cracked me up, some made me think...just stuff I encountered and wanna keep (with appropriate credits)...

"But I'm not so think as you drunk I am." JC Squire, 1931

Bessie Braddock:  Winston, You're drunk.
Churchill:  Bessie, you're ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober.

"In this country, don't forget, a habit is no damn private hell. There's no solitary confinement outside of jail. A habit is hell for those you love." Billie Holiday, 1963

"Junk is the ideal product, the ultimate merchandise. No sales talk necessatry. The client will crawl through a sewer and beg to buy." William S. Burroughs, 1959

"Alcohol is like love. The first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that, you just take the girl's clothes off." Raymond Chandler in The Long Kiss Goodbye, 1953

"The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons." Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1860

"It was the men I deceived the most that I loved the most." Marguerite Duras, 1999

"An open foe may prove a curse, but a pretended friend is worse." John Gay, 1727

"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." Steve Biko, 1976

"It is the nature, and the advantage, of strong people that they can bring out the crucial questions and form a clear opinion about them. The weak always have to decide between alternatives that are not their own." Otto von Bismark, 1987

"One hears only those questions for which one is able to find answers." Friedrich Nietzsche, 1882

"Hey, my mind was under the sofa cushions this whole time? Boy, do I feel stupid." Joanna Nicholson, 2010

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Joanne of Arc

So, it is REALLY dry in Phoenix right now. I mean, negative dewpoint. Single digit humidity.

Static electricity here is GREAT fun.

I get out of the car, I get zapped. I try to open the screen door. I get zapped. I open the fridge. I get zapped. I make eye contact with anyone, I get zapped. I think about cheese (or anything), I get zapped.

God forbid Coley and I try to get dressed within a twenty foot radius of each other. We might create an arc between us that could short out parts of Arizona. Or at least re-arrange our hairstyles. 

I am going to go try to stick the cat to the ceiling like a balloon.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cheese/cracker separation...

People have funny reactions when they hear I am from Alaska.

No, I couldn't see Sarah Palin from my backyard.

Her reign began after I had already moved from there.

Alaska politics is great fun, to be certain. I was there in the Tony Knowles days, and am proud to say that my dog peed on his foot in our kitchen.

With Ted Stevens, and Sarah Palin...and Jerry Prevo and his giant, vocal church...Alaska politics was always good for a chuckle or two...(or a bad dream at worst when I was there...)

Cabin fever is a real phenomenon up there. Makes people a little tightly wound, I think.

I have empathy, though. My cheese slid off my cracker for a while. And I was in a tiny, coastal town in Oregon.

Maybe Alaska is viral. Once there for more than ten years you are infected for life-and it follows you around. Like herpes.

Either that, or Brookings had something in the water.

I am betting a presidential candidate will eventually emerge from Brookings, wandering from the redwoods, armed with rugged good looks, a bag of mushrooms, and a whole bunch of terrific ideas based on sound bytes and conventional "wisdom".

I can't wait. I'm gonna pop popcorn and watch when it happens.


I woke up to a message from my daughter, unloading both barrels on me. Which I fully deserve, but still hurt like hell.

Then I spent way too long at the UPS store, downloading, filling out, and faxing work application and "background check" information stuff.

Went to Walmart, which looked a lot like a cherub had exploded all over the interior. Anymore pink hearts, flowers, chocolates, or balloons with "I Love You" written on them, and I probably would have killed somebody. Corporate America at work! :)

How's that for getting in the spirit of things?

An emotionally draining day, all the way around. But I survived. Again.

I imagine a bunch of guys who forgot somehow, or didn't manage anything special at all to say "I love you" waking up in dog houses today...with scruffy staring at them while thinking "are you in trouble with your bitch, too?"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pancake bunny

Omg..that last post was all serious and everything.

I am immediately getting back to my regular programming.

I like pancakes.

Without a Net...

I discovered the most alone feeling in the world this past year. It is always scary to try stuff by yourself. I've done it before. But this time, through no one's fault but my own, I had no net. I was on the edge, in a way I have never been before...

In the past, I had my parents. Even when I didn't call on them, they were in my psychological reality as a safety net. Or, I had a partner who was enduring the scary stuff WITH me. For a variety of reasons, some good and reasonable, some absolutely bewildering to me still, I was truly, utterly, completely at the edge...with an awareness that I would be allowed to fall...all the way to the bottom.

 I was actually painfully "dropped" on a few occasions, and had to scramble to literally stay warm, or fed, or safe from other harms. I didn't have a "go to"....or anyone facing the same stuff with me...and my heart (and mind) were such a terrible mess.

Psychologically, that was really interesting. And...oddly enough...I am actually grateful for it in retrospect. I am making the choices that I need to to pull my life together. This experience has left me more confident now, and a HELL of a lot tougher.

It has also left me SO GRATEFUL for the people in my life who truly love me..always did...and literally SAVED me during a few crucial moments. Those were turning points on a scary road...each one of them.

So, this is a THANK YOU-a "thank you" with the realization that the words are so inadequate for what I hold in my hands now, and the second chance I now have to try to heal my past and to  repair my future.

Jan and Duane-you gave me shelter, support, fellowship, music, haircuts (thank God), laughter, wisdom and a kind have my kitty. I love you guys very much!

Tress-you held my hand, tried to invite me to a healthy place, held up a mirror when I didn't want to see, were a source of endless hugs when I thought I would die from lack of affection. You set tough boundaries. And I love you forever for that. Well, for that...the elephant thing...and the "did you just hear yourself?" look.

Stephanie-you climbed a seacliff for me. Holy hell. It's been a crazy friendship we have, and I wouldn't trade it in. That day when I felt so sad at JD's, and you told me what you did to turn it around...I hope I can extend a helping hand for you guys soon. I like pancakes!

My Brother-you literally kept me from losing my guitar, and my sanity. You gave me shelter at the worst time in all of this, and you helped me just by believing in me and offering some words (and humor) that helped me take things less seriously.

Shannon-you didn't let my misdirected hostility drive you away...and you still offer your talents to me in support. Thank you SO MUCH!

Pat-you made me believe I have talent again. You really did. And your support with all of the other stuff...I cannot thank you enough.

Brenda-Omg. You have no idea. I was on the beach. On the beach in a tent. Collecting rocks. Crying. Hungry. Feeling so hurt and abandoned by those I thought would be there. It is often said that we discover who our real friends are during our worst times...when everyone else walks away. You were such a surprise, and you are a HERO to me. Hope you know that.

Deb R.- offers to visit, phone calls, kind words, wisdom, and persistence in trying to help me through. I thank you!

Kelly-you gave me five dollars. Five bucks, a smile, conversation, and no judgment...meant the world.

Keewee-you were neverending with the offers to listen from afar, and the encouraging words. I love you!

Oogy-You have bore the expense of my phone this entire time. You supported me emotionally. NEVER skipped a beat in our friendship, NEVER even seemed to care about whatever mis-steps I took. You and Randy gave me a room (thanks Alex), fixed my computer problems, gave me a temp job, took those promo shots, and made me LAUGH! Love you guys!

Michelle-omg. You guys offered me a cabin to use. Holy hecky darn! Who woulda thought! And you wwere the first to forward me that therapy song that I played to death like an anthem! You rock!

Deb Doo Dah-You offered Seattle. I briefly thought I was there already, but that was a palm tree. Not the Space Needle.

Maria-thanks for listening and offering words of wsdom. Kind, forgiving, and supportive as always. Ever since "gramdma's taxi" I knew I had a very special friend in you. You even supported the "getting back together" thing. Wow.

Linda and Jana-Took me in, gave freely of your time and well needed advice, were patient with me, even though you guys are counted among the folks I hurt along the way. I was in big trouble right then. You helped more than I was probably able to express.

Kimber-coffee on a cold morning when I was struggling with a little bicycle. That SHOULD have been more embarrassing than it was. No, never mind. It was still embarrassing. You also cracked me up, and surely have a way of just smacking me on the head with a "what the hell were you thinking?" verbal barrage. Good stuff. Really. No, really.

Jennifer-gave me a burger, and stayed open late to do that. Wow. That was awesome. It was the BEST burger I ever had.

Sheri-when I had no place to go, you let me sit all night in the restaurant with hot chocolate. When I was cold, hungry, and lonely and sad, you fed me and kept me warm...hugs to you. Believe in you. You are beautiful.

Henry-you let me stay with you when I am sure it was cramping your style, And, you let me keep some of my stuff under your carport for a few days longer than intended...making the front of your house look like Sanford and Son's.

Tom and Carrie-the storage thing. You walked in the rain to meet me there. You kept my stuff as safe as you could. You gave me endless Pepsi. Tom, please thank your mom too if you ever see this.

Shane-gave me a self esteem boost. Defended me a few times when no one else ever said things that needed to be said. Gave me a head's up to a few "friends" who weren't. I really appreciate that, and hope you are okay. sure did try with me. You are a good person. I am so glad I know you! I like the way you think. You extended your hand and heart. Homecooked meals even! Patience. Good humor. A "loaner cat" to pet. I'm blessed to count you as a friend.

Billy Jo-you are one of my kind. You get me, and I know that you know that I know that you know that you "get" me.

Jill-that evening when we were setting up the room and you listened to me....and listened to me....and listened to me...and then shared about yourself...made a big difference to me. Not sure you realize how much, and what an inspiration you are to me.

Lacie-What can I say? You look fabulous. Your patience and good humor (and rides to and from and to and from) are much appreciated.

Melissa-You inspire me. Thank you for your kindness. You are the cutest thing ever. And stronger than I think I could be. You take the whine right out of me.

Mary and Bill-uh, I would SO be still outside if not for you. No, seriously. I like that Bill has no sympathy for me at all. It is a challenge to me. A curiosity, if you will. Thanks for helping me find my way, and listening endlessly. And the citrus. I won't get scurvy thanks to you and your trees.

Arloin and King Har-talk about a rescue operation! Renting a car and taking your weekend to do a marathon trip to Phoenix? Then letting me stay with you guys even though I set off your alarm, ate too much salt like most Americans, and put mayonaisse in your refirgerator? And smoked? You guys have given me enough Nicorette gum to assist the population of Rhode Island to quit smoking. I will do it. Oh yes, I will. Love you guys! (and this phone just rocks)....

Anne-you have endured a lot just to play music with me. You are an incredible friend. It will be more reciprocal now, if you haven't given up. I wouldn't blame you if you did. I lost a few along the way, from sheer exhaustion with me, I think.

Whitman Health and Rehab Crew-you guys went to bat for me, obviously. WOW! I'm excited. Lea and Connie...I've been lifted by your words of encouragement during those times I could actually get online. Can't wait to see ya!

Krispi-Geez. You tried so hard. You had THE BEST intentions....and we tangled it up, huh? I still care about you immensely. You have gone way above and beyond, and endured a lot of pain (and regret, I'm sure) because of me. I love you. Hope you know that!

Mom and Dad-I can't even imagine how hard this year has been on you guys. Hope I have learned enough to never get that lost again. My life is in forward gear again, and your help now has taken at LEAST a year off of the time it would have taken to just get physically and financially stable again. I hope you know that I really KNOW what this has and is costing you. I hope I can be for Conner what yu have been for me. If I am, then I will be a success in a thing that matters more than anything else. Feeling like I was without you gave me a whole new appreciation for what I had and took for granted. I love you both. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Where the spree began..

20% off. Nobody get in the way.


they take shopping seriously.

Ok...I did something brilliant I guess

skin care is important also

No. They can't be closed...
So, before I went to Redding for that adventure, I went on a girl's trip to Medford. To shop.

I've never done that before.

I didn't know it was even possible to try on as many outfits as they did in the time they had allotted. It was highly organized, involving multiple shopping carts, synchronized watches, store diagrams, color charts...even their own special language...

"How about this?"

"No, too bunchy up top. You need more flow, to accentuate that other thing like that one before."

"Oh, right. And the color reminds me of that one place."


They spent a considerable amount of time attempting to "girl me up." It was sweet, and fun.

And exhausting.

And I still dress like I am going fly fishing.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Klingons called. They want their outfit back.

Maybe it is just me...

but I see a pattern

How come everytime you come around, my giant, futuristic, goofy looking shoulder pads wanna come down?

Maybe her costume was really just safety gear so she could suit up and play second half for the Steelers, if needed.

I'm not one to talk. I'm wearing flannel sleep pants with lemons on them. I'll shut up.

When life gives you lemons, it is important to have crab

 So, Coley went to the store and came back with King Crab. She started cooking a five course meal (which set me off on a happy dance, cause she can cook like no one's business)..then told me she forgot to get a crucial ingredient for perfection.

No lemon.

The horror.

So, this being Arizona, I walked down the street until I found a lemon tree.

I accosted it, and came home with two lemons. Slicing those things up made the whole kitchen smell wonderful.

I didn't even have to go to Walmart to get one of their sorry, puny, dried up lemons.

The lemon tree I found was in someone's yard, but had branches that hung over the alley. So after hunting and gathering (as I proudly presented the bounty I secured), I was able to tell Coley that "mother nature and a back alley will provide..."

I didn't have to scale a wall. I hardly got arrested or anything.

That's what people get for leaving their lemons unsecure, hanging over back alleys, all willy nilly. The tree was obviously asking for it. You should have seen how it was dressed. It wanted me to touch its lemons.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Here I Am Again...

Maybe backwards wasn't really backwards, but exactly what was supposed to happen.

I just can't see it yet.

A bit angry. Feel used, sort of.

It's probably just me. Processing. I seemed alone in the efforts. And the grief. "We handle things differently" only explains so much. Oh well. No directing. I will get out of my own way. Lean into it this time, instead of against it.

It is what it is.

I recorded a new song. A silly one I wrote quite a while back. I shouldn't have done that from a financial perspective...(or a lot of recent choices based on misinformation). But, I haven't given up the cruise ship idea. If someone says "Press Kit" I will be able to say "Banana."

Or at least, "here you go..." Because saying banana would just make people think I'm crazy.

It Don't Break Even...

another life

It just means different things...all of it...then and now...and there are always two sides, two perspectives.

I treasured this. I did then. I do now. I never had anything but plans for a future that included my partner in life.

Listening to inner wisdom is important, and my big lesson at this point. Others screamed it. Actions (or lack of) screamed it. Even my mind screamed it.

But the heart hears exactly what it wants to hear, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

A special person, whom I love for a reason.

When a heart breaks, it don't break even.

I hurt. I hurt.

And I will keep my friend this time, as that is how it started.