fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
no pansies allowed

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Friday, November 30, 2007

congrats Doc Shelf!

A womb goblin?

Congratulations! You will make the best mom, and I can't wait to see pics of the really cool baby clothes!

You are lucky to escape the snow, I do believe. Not sure I would fit in without mountains, though! "Look at the cactus, Joanna Joanna Danna. Look at the cactus..."

Miss you...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Deer Prize

So Melissa Etheridge has a new CD out. On it there is a song called "Threesome." Guess she wrote it for her wife after her wife had a dream that they had participated in a threesome...waking up all mad and everything after the dream...which Coley did to me just yesterday.

"How dare you!"
"How dare I what!?"
"How dare you do that thing to me that you did in my dream! You callous, insensitive monster!"
'Uh...I am really sorry that I behaved in such a the imaginary world that overtakes you from the depths of your sleep...I should be punished for I am bad...very, very bad..."


I was driving home from work yesterday and had this odd feeling I should slow down. I drive this road every single day, and usually move along at a pretty good clip. Yesterday I just decided to slow down...having this feeling...At one point a beautiful buck sprang onto the road from the brush, only feet in front of me. I was able to maneuver in time to avoid him, and he did an amazing mid air twist to spring back into the forest....

Thank goodness for "odd feelings." Now if I can just do something about being a character in other people's dreams. Our Occupational Therapist at work came in a few days ago to inform me I had been in her dream as well. Apparently we were sitting on Loungechairs, and I hadn't done anything horrible.

Love you Coley....