fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
no pansies allowed

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Monday, March 30, 2009

I think we can call it.

Really. I do.

Invisible Bus

If it were an invisible short bus, there would be fewer people, and they would have bike helmets on.

And Arloin would be on it.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

We are Siamese if you please...

The top four photos are our guys. The other photos are random sealpoint kitties doing things that our guys do on a regular basis-I just don't have a camera.

Paragraph three, page 127 of the handbook does indeed state that we must be in near orbit around our cats. We try to be good sisters of the rainbow and flannel.

Anyway, although I haven't yet witnessed the rat on the head scenario-I know that Chase and Charlie would attempt to befriend (and perhaps give rides to) our local rodent population.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Statistically statistical

So, I am trying to put together some data from "behavior charting" where I work...tracking troublesome behaviors in the folks who live there...frequencies and times so we can identify patterns (and perhaps try some interventions for things like trying to fish in the hallways or use the resident kitty as a furniture duster)...
All of my sociology schooling and advanced statistical training are coming back to me now, just so I can realize that there is NO WAY to make anything meaningful from the "data" we have.
And so, I am going to go find the kitty and clean my office today.

"Lil C coming!

She'll be here Sunday...I am giddy.

If I smoked pot would that make me giddy up?

I see the beach in my future...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh No You Didn't...

If I could Z-snap, I would totally do it right now.

Unfortunately, my z-snap is broken. (So is my g-spot, but that is another blog entry entirely...)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

wickety, wickety, wok

So, attempted to go get some Chinese food last night. Of course, Coley lived in Hong Kong for several years, and so any restaurant that attempts to put "authentic" in their description is destined for failure anyway...
This place is exceptionally odd. It is run by some folks who are obviously generationally not far removed from China. Coley exchanged a few remarks in Cantonese with our server...
Anyway, they give you two menus when you come in. One has things like fettucini, steak, burgers, seafood, and chicken. The other has stuff like pork chow mein and plate A with sweet and sour chicken and flie lice.
We were craving Chinese, so we went with plate A. They offered a choice of opening soup or salad (huh????), and the soups to choose from were clam chowder, egg drop, or vegetable beef (which they ran out of and replaced with corned beef and cabbage soup). In order to get rice, you have to order it separately.
The whole thing was pretty horrible. I would say I need counseling to recover from the experience, but I moreso think that the restaurant owners should consider an identity crisis support group.
My fortune cookie said, "you will soon have an order of french fries with your lasagna. Drink up, homey."

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Golf and dinosaurs

So, you know how the Camel smokes logo has the image of the man with the erection subtly present in the design of their trademark character? It is intended to imply virility, and appeal to all things masculine and macho and sexual...

I love how advertising works...I noticed a few interesting things lately...

There is an advertisement out for a gender specific multi-vitamin. The one for men has ingredients to support "energy and mental focus...". Thank God, because that is obviously something that men would need moreso than women-what with women busying themselves with hair twirling and how to manage being stalked by discarded cleaning products. Fortunately the men with the energy and mental focus will be on the job, thinking about really important stuff-like golf and dinosaurs. And boobies.

I dunno. Just when I am about to give up hope, an eHarmony commercial comes on with an interracial couple discussing how they met through online dating, and they make each other incredibly happy...and the interracial aspect is not even worthy of mention on the commercial...very nice...

But then it was followed by a commercial for some kind of super absorbant cloth/towel thingy with a guy talking into a headset that doesn't appear to be connected to anything (but makes him look really busy and important)...hey...order now...they can't do this all night....and don't be fooled by cheap imitations...Germans make good stuff....

Hot Pocket. By Mennen.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Flying boatcat

This reminds me of my job the last few days.

I couldn't find a good picture of trying to nail jello to a tree.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bad kitty. No tuna.

If this were a cat, and that were a sandbox, it would be our house.

Canadian bears, ay. You hoser.

A friend recently posted some stuff 'bout bears. Being from Alaska and all, I perked up immediately. Brings back memories of hiking armed with jingle bells and pepper spray, knowing full well a grizzly would just use pepper spray for seasoning-later laughing with all of his bear friends about the bells on your boots having alerted him that dinner was served...
Good times. Good times.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

employment gratitude-teeth and all

Although I may have unclaimed teeth accumulating in my office, and am also trying to figure out how to keep a demented guy from pinching the nurses on the ass, or the one armed crazy lady from throwing her meds at everyone...I am very grateful that I have a job right now.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Clambake in Hell...

Me and scallops. We got a thing going on.
The Proposition 8 citizen initiated referendum goes before the California court tomorrow.
Again, just sayin'...
check out the website...