fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
no pansies allowed

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Monday, April 26, 2010

All around the playground

Deep Deep Introspection and Crap

Ooger Boobies

Why Yes. Ooger Boobies is a good name for a rock band. Or perhaps some kind of North American songbird....

Leave it to the male photographer in the bunch to get a shot like this.

Nice going, Randull. I think "Jo Boobies" should be the headliner. hee hee

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oogers and Jo play well with others...

...and each other. Okay, that sounded you can see, Olga does indeed hage breastestess...quite lovely, really...

Oklahoma rock wall

Just like other parts of oklahoma, only more rocky and stuff.

yet more photos from Oklahoma

jo's everywhere...thanks to Oogers and Randull.They spent lots of time making me get in strange poses...
Again, stranger than usual...

What's the plural of y'all.?

All you all.(of course...)

Think I will avoid this look.

Leather and a Big Truck

More promo shots...thanks Oogers...I actually kinda like these shots...weird...

So Sad About Eddie..

Ooogy and Randull allowed me to set up a room at their home in Oklahoma City to go to when not in Broken Bow. This was still in the "setting up" stage...and it looks like Eddie Bauer visited and then exploded.

.Working on the promos in Oklahoma

Oogy and Randull were kind enough to take me out to an oil field and snap some pics in an effort to provide something presentable for a press kit or packet for the cruise line. Seeing these reminds me that I had actually recoverd part of me during this time...more than I had seen in quite a while.

I had lost my wide blush brush and used an applicator that clowns often use to apply their makeup. I hope people will still accept me overall as a human being.


My high school best friend came to visit. Her name is Olga. Yes, I'm not kidding...She was another high spot in the whole experience in Oklahoma. She also wasn't deep fried. Well, at least I don't think so.