fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Glove and Sock

I am fairly certain that Michael Jackson's other glove was in the same place as all of my missing sock matches. Now I will never be able to ask him.

Quite an amazing talent-whatever else might have been wrong with him...

Eee hee...shamon....


  1. Moon walk vigil on the water!!!!!! Come on......... J,J,J,&M..........let's go!

  2. Momgator4:34 PM

    I surprised myself by starting to cry at the announcement... he may have been very troubled, but he sure was a talent and, I think, basically a sweet guy who lost his way. Like Elvis, the prescription drugs almost surely caused his heart to fail at such a young age... we shall hear all about it (MORE then we want to know, I'm sure). But it's a shame that there's no matter how beautiful, like Farrah, or how wealthy, or talented, or kind or special, like Paul Newman. How evil this set-up is... that we all face losing those we love... the inevitability of it... the grief...the unrealized dreams and goals. BUMMER! Enjoy every minute... I will mourn Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett & Ed McMahon & Paul Newman & Elvis & own Mommy & Daddy. This is not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
