fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

All extremists must be killed...

Ironical, isn't it?

My friend has doth correctified me. Her name is MC GRAND Mix Master Rowdy Fouty. I stand corrected, as well as approximately 5'4" tall.

She sent me another contribution to the "I wish I had thought of that at the time" list. I'm glad she saves our emails, because it is quite obvious that I am brilliant, gifted, and again, 5'4' tall. Our memory moment (following an email where Grand Mix Master Routy Fouty was ONCE AGAIN upset at the whole men being men scenario) was like this:

I was also looking back at some previous e-mails we corresponded with and you wrote something about me hating men and some lesbian(s) getting a toaster oven and it went something like this:

"I am thinking at this rate (seeing as almost every message has the 'men are scum sucking, pond scuz sliding, shifty, egomaniacle, self-centered, hairy, sharp as marbles, lying, clueless, smell like damp ferrett, helpless to the one-eyed trouser snake, atavistic, bastard morons' theme), we lesbians will soon convert you, and we will all get a new toaster oven. Hooray!" (Jo Jo Bean, 2004)

Smell like damp ferret? I must have been drinking. I don't think I have ever smelled a damp ferret. I would remember that.

MC Grand Mix Master Routy Fouty (Holy Hell...I need a shorter nickname for her...)
likes to make up words. We discovered that you can add the suffix "inglyeristalville" to almost anything to lengthen a word. (No, you can't do that to lengthen body parts, Binks. Ha ha ha. Just kidding!) I was thinking of her today when I heard that Elvis song "A Little Less Conversation", which includes the lyric "ain't satisfactioning me." I think MC Grand Mix Master Routy Fouty enjoys that song. Now I truly understand why. The new name for the song is "A Little Less Conversationinglyeristalville." I have declared it to be so, and now it must be.

Goodnight! I'll be here all week.


  1. Okay.......ummmmmmm this is the strangest Blog I have yet to read.....truly......and I wasnt MENTIONED NOT ONCE!!!!!

    totallly unacceptable!!!!

  2. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Right on COLEY!
    This is fun Ladies..........Can you get audio on this thing??????

  3. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Thank you for the correction and yes I do love that song....
    Don't forget about 'rationalizationalityism' in which I put in a Grad school paper that NO ONE caught...probably because no one actually ever read those...hmmm

    MISS YOU!!!

  4. Anonymous8:59 PM

    OH and for the record....Binks need not lengthen anything, he's quite well endowed as is....
    yes I realize way TMI but it had to be noted.

    Love and stuffinglyeristalville!!!
