fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
no pansies allowed

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Friday, January 11, 2008


So, I have to take a dish to work today for potluck in order to do the Friday Jean day, since we have folks from corporate at the facility. Apparently we have been doing the causual Friday thing against corporate orders, and in order to wear jeans while our visitors are here, we had to have our Activity Director come up with some kind of "event" today is "Blue Jean Potluck" day. In order to be comfortable today, we all are required to bring in a potluck dish...
A new National Holiday?
Anyway, I had no idea what to bring. Our Director of Nursing suggested crockpot meatballs with BBQ sauce and grape jelly.
After vomiting repeatedly, and asking if she was serious (she was..apparently it is a real recipe), I went to the store and purchased what was needed (meatballs, BBQ sauce, grape jelly...eeeewwww)...
So, I will be wearing jeans today. And I will come bearing funky meatballs.
Coley still has not re-formatted, so 'scuse the archive photos. Little C with the Santa is from when she was with me at work during this past Christmas. I walked around with my guitar, visiting residents and playing carols. Little C suggested that Santa should jam as well.
"Santa Jam" is a good name for a rock band.


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Or how about the "Blue Jean Casuals".... or "Crockpot Meatballs".... or the best one...."Freaky Meatballs" I am curious if you actually tasted those delicacies yourself??? BBQ sauce and grape jelly don't sound like they would go together at all.... oh yummy! Or, I meant...YUCKY! Oh... "The Yucky Meatballs" for a funky rock band... that could work. Har! Love ya. Take your vitamins!

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    This meatball jelly thing sounds like cooking to me. You don't cook so it's all kind of weird. Was anyone sickened or get the meatball fever (also another great band name)?

  3. Anonymous11:37 AM

    It's at times like this that I realize that I am not sure how to spell certain sounds that come out of my< UCKGHEEEEEE.....bluuuuuuawhhhh...........Know what I mean?????
    Definitely not doing the happy food dance.

  4. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Did you get the card I sent you?

  5. Post again!!!! Three months is too darn long to wait for entertainment!!!
