fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
no pansies allowed

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Friday, January 19, 2007

slip sliding away...

We went sledding behind the high school here. It was fun! I acquired a nifty sledding injury that is much more impressive than my old "Scrabble injury" caused by attempting a triple word score utilizing the letters "q" and "z"...the "snow" was actually hidden underneath a healthy topping of razor sharp ice-crusties. The "trails" were packed down to a glossy sheen, and I am fairly certain we broke the sound barrier on a few runs. All in fun. (OMG)

Spam did the invite, and it is certainly nice to be getting along again. Little C is the biggest beneficiary of our truce, and I am sure it will save me an ulcer. Coley will be able to avoid going kung-fu ninja too....which is good.

I have discovered how much fun "myspace" can be, and I am fairly certain the next discovery will involve those really cool personalized pages. I may need a 12 step program...

I have interviewed for a Family Services Manager position, and the interview went really well. I am being called in for a second interview, which is always a good sign. Keep your eyes crossed for me....the Chemical Dependency position is on hold until they fill a sudden departure in their administrative staff, but I have been told I will be called in for that the moment they have the spot filled. My thanks to those of you who are lying and giving me great references....


  1. Anonymous4:16 AM got hurt? Hope it's not too big an owie! We LOVE the pictures! How fun! Make a snowman, and lets see those photos too. Stay warm & cuddly...

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Looks like fun. Nice to see Pam, especially smiling. TRUCE........WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Glad to hear it.
    So where are the injury pics? Come on, Come on, I wanna see.
