fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around

fireweed -the most non-whiney flower around
no pansies allowed

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Friday, February 05, 2010

Pardon me. Is that a pussy under your seat?

Why yes. It is a pussy under my seat.

Chicken kitty and I just drove across the country. Well, I drove mostly. He has no opposable thumbs.

He started in a pet carrier, but I was pulled over by the New Mexico Highway Patrol for the high pitched yowling so many times, I finally set him free in the pickup cab.

He did get loose once in Yuma (or someplace). Fortunately I cornered him and managed to stuff him in my leather jacket before a big lizard ate him (or something).

Once loose in my truck cab he spent some time under both my gas and brake pedals (oh joy), as well as on top of my head, or hanging from the cab ceiling like a bat.

Then he found a great spot under my driver's seat-where he wedged himself in so tightly it took a crowbar and Crisco to remove him.

People could occasionally hear him yowl from under there, and I would calmly explain that there was a pussy under my seat. Then I would say "I'm real bendy."

Most would leave me alone at that point (except that one truck driver named Cletus).

As my friend Chris pointed out after I arrived, I am staying in a place near "Beaver's Bend" Oklahoma. Somehow fitting. little chicken cat is happy now (or at least quieter and less puffed up), and I intend to get him some counseling.

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